Internet sensation Haliey Welch, known for her viral “Hawk Tuah” catchphrase, has mysteriously disappeared from public view following the tumultuous launch and subsequent collapse of her cryptocurrency venture. The social media star, who rose to prominence this summer and successfully parlayed her fame into merchandise sales and a chart-topping Spotify podcast, has been notably absent from all platforms since December 5.
The controversy centers around the launch of $HAWK, a memecoin created in partnership with crypto team OverHere. The cryptocurrency initially saw its market cap soar into the hundreds of millions before experiencing a dramatic crash that left many investors with significant losses. Investigations revealed concerning patterns, with reports indicating that a small number of wallets controlled the majority of tokens, and allegations emerged about insiders receiving preferential pre-launch access.
In her last public appearance, Welch participated in a contentious X Spaces audio stream addressing investor concerns. The stream, which included criticism from crypto scam investigator Coffeezilla, ended abruptly when Welch announced she was “gonna go to bed,” promising to return the following day – a promise that remains unfulfilled.
Recent developments have seen OverHere attempting to shift responsibility to Alex Larson Schultz (known as Doc Hollywood), Howie Mandel’s son-in-law, claiming he maintained control over “all token decisions, fees, treasury.” Schultz has not responded to these allegations.
The situation has now entered legal territory, with investors filing a lawsuit Thursday against the $HAWK creators, alleging illegal sales of unregistered securities. Welch’s popular Talk Tuah podcast, which had maintained weekly releases since its September 3 launch, has been silent since December 3, one day before the ill-fated cryptocurrency launch.
Attempts by media outlets to contact Welch have been unsuccessful as the crypto community awaits answers about the failed venture.